Snowflake Syntax: show objects

The SHOW OBJECTS command lists all TABLES and Views in the current schema. You can also modify this to include any object type.

Snowflake Documentation: Snowflake Show Objects 

show objects

This command lists details of every TABLE and VIEW in the current schema.

show objects;

show objects

show objects in database

Lists all the objects (Tables and Views) in the current database. Note: This also includes Views in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA. See below for details on how to exclude these.

show objects in database;

show objects in database (Excluding INFORMATION_SCHEMA)

Lists the TABLES and VIEWS in a given database - and then excludes the INFORMATION_SCHEMA objects

show objects in database secondary_db;

select *
from table(result_scan(last_query_id()))
where "schema_name" <> 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA'